Saturday, April 25, 2009

The British Are Coming!

Reed played Paul Revere in a special wax museum at school. The kids all dressed up in character and then stood very still, if someone came up and touched their hand they would go into character and pretend to be that person. It was very cute. You will also see his friend Croy who was Davey Crockett, Matt as Abraham Lincoln and Tommy is Wilbur Wright, or one of the Wright brothers anyway.

PROM 2009

Cody and Cole on prom night. Cody took Rae Keener and Cole took Lissa Brock. Rae and Lissa play on the varsity girls basketball team for Redmond High. Fun that they could all go to prom together.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Twilight Room

My friend Michelle and I re did her daughter Whitney's room for her 14th birthday. It was so fun!!! Like most teenage girls she's a huge twilight fan so we worked around the big poster of Edward. Thanks Whit for letting us have free reign on your room, and thanks too for loving it when we were done!!

Extreme makeover- Teenage girl edition