Cody and Eric outside playing catch waiting for Tyler to get here for the grand unveiling of the mission call, here he comes!

Cute Tyler, all grown up. I remember when we used to call him Mickey, short for Mickey Mouse because his voice was so high!

Cody opening the envelope!

And telling us all THREE times that he has been called to the UTAH PROVO MISSION!
Holy Cow!! It's been SO LONG since I was able to blog, talk about withdrawls! Our computer died just shortly after my last post, which means I basically didn't post anything all summer! So here's some catch up with pictures to follow. The summer was spent doing what we usually do, boating. We knew this would be our last summer with Cody for awhile so we wanted to make the best of it. Which leads to our biggest surprise of the summer!! Cody's mission call! So picture this, for 19 years you wait and wonder where in the big wide world your little boy will be called to serve. Now picture that boy all grown up and the biggest jokester on the planet, seriously, this kid can't be serious to save his life. A FINE quality he inherited from his father. So the day comes when the much anticipated envelope from Salt Lake is in the mail box. We have to WAIT til Tyler Perdue gets here before opening it! I guess that's only appropriate since Tyler, Cody and Cole have been joined at the hip since birth. FINALLY, he gets here, we have 5 cell phones sitting on the coffee table with 5 groups of people on speaker phone, Eric is doing the drum roll, I'm about to hyperventilate when Cody rips open the envelope and reads: YOU ARE HEARBY CALLED TO SERVE IN THE UTAH, PROVO MISSION!! HUH? Everyone in the room, and everyone on all 5 phones are yelling, come on Cody!! Where are you really going! He reads again, UTAH, PROVO MISSION. Again, quit jokin around Cody! Where are you really going? Cody, still sitting there with that big goofy grin of his says for the third time, UTAH, PROVO MISSION! Stunned silence. Then I grab the paper, read it for myself, and immediately start looking for the 1-800 number to Salt Lake so I can call the Brethren and let them know that clearly they have made a mistake! Do they not realize that HALF OUR FAMILY lives there? Do they not realize that besides Redmond Oregon Cody has spent most of his life in Provo Utah? What happened to spreading the gospel to the four corners of the earth? Is there even a non-member in his entire mission? About 10 minutes after we have ALL read the first line of his mission call Tyler pipes up and says, "hey dude, you have to learn spanish." again, with the huh? So we read on, YOU ARE HEARBY CALLED TO SERVE IN THE UTAH PROVO MISSION in the SPANISH LANGUAGE. A little later in the day Eric and I pull Cody aside to let him know that it's okay if he's feeling a little disappointed that he got called to Provo Utah. He isn't, but he is a little disappointed in his pathetic parents who thought he might be. After all, "this is a MISSION CALL, not a vacation." Oops, our bad. Since then we have learned some great things about his mission. Last Sunday our high councilman was visiting our ward for fast and testimony meeting. Cody's mission call was announced that day. So our councilman gets up at the very end of the meeting and says, years ago when we were taking our first son to the MTC to begin his mission to Indiana we passed a couple of elders walking down the road there in Provo. We all said something like, wow, how would you like to be called to serve in Provo Utah! With accompanying snickers. A year and half later his second son received his mission call to, you guessed it, Provo Utah. And it was AWESOME! He went on to say that his son never had to pay for a meal at a restaurant because someone would always run up and pay for them before they could. He never had to pay for his dry cleaning for the same reason. He never had to knock on doors because there were too many people to teach, they didn't need to knock on doors. In fact, at one point he was serving at BYU, he and his companion were given permission by the president to extend their curfew at night because they didn't have enough hours in the day to teach everyone who wanted to be taught! We have also learned that his mission is consistently the highest baptizing mission in the church. So what does that all mean? It means my sweet little boy will be spending the next two years teaching the spanish speaking people in Utah about our Savior Jesus Christ, and teaching A LOT!! Nothing could make me happier. He leaves November 18th. So for other summer fun we made two trips to visit Whitney, Rusty and sweet baby Avey. Fun Times!! Pictures of our summer fun will be posted tomorrow.