Paige had her first dentist appt, and boy oh boy was she excited!!! I got the feeling from the dental office that they were a little apprehensive about treating her, I'm not sure why but I assume because of her Downs. Maybe they have had a bad experience in the past, who knows. But what they got was the PERFECT patient!!! Paige sat very still and did everything they told her to do, she was so dang cute. She even did the whole flouride treatment that kids hate with no fuss!! When the dentist came in he joked around with her and she joked right back. He spent about 15 minutes with her checking her teeth and kidding around with her. When he was done he gave me a very warm sincere smile and said, "THANK YOU, for bringing her in so we could get to know her." So little Paigey Poo managed to warm some hearts and make new friends today.
Awwww....that's not surprising though...knowing her. She has a gift... :-]