Above her bed it says: Some people dream of ANGELS, I hold one in my arms.
Too bad you cant see the words above her bed, it's so darling!!! Thanks Marnae! I love this room! I've been dreaming the room up in my head since the beginning of summer when I bought this headboard and footboard at a garage sale. They were an ugly brown. Not sure if you can tell that the walls behind the bed and where the big window is are actually striped. I painted the wall a satin pink and then painted stripes with the same color but in high gloss, very subtle stripes and so cute!! I found all the green furniture at a little 2nd hand store in town and I made the lamp shades. I usually worked on the room when paige was asleep so when she woke up in the morning there was always something new. The morning when she woke up and saw the lamp shades I could hear her say, "OOOH BEAUTIFUL!! THANK YOU MOMMY!" She loves her new room and that makes me SO HAPPY!
so so pretty! you have a knack for that decorating thing......! Hey- meant to tell you how IMPRESSED I was with Paige....on SUnday, she did such a great job giving her talk! What a smart girl!
so so pretty! you have a knack for that decorating thing......! Hey- meant to tell you how IMPRESSED I was with Paige....on SUnday, she did such a great job giving her talk! What a smart girl!